The CASS Blitz is an educational contest organized by CASS Microlearning (CASS MiLe) intended to spotlight engineering students and young engineers (age below 35) involved in the field of circuits and systems. The CASS Blitz consists of multiple-choice questions covering various topics related to circuits and systems.

For the 2024 CASS Blitz, the competition is opened covering Topics from Basic CMOS Analog Circuits:
- Voltage Comparators
- Voltage References
- Voltage Regulators
- Charge Pump Circuits
- Current Mirrors
- Amplifiers, Differential Amplifiers, Operational Amplifiers
- Oscillators
- Filters (Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass, Band Stop)
The contest will be held on 22nd April 2024. The top-ranking participants will be announced in the CASS MiLe leaderboard. The overall CASS Blitz 2024 top-ranking participants will be awarded a top-rank certificate. All registered participants who complete the contest will receive a certificate of participation.

Main Scope
Participants will answer multiple-choice questions covering selected topics related to basic CMOS analog circuits.
The contest is open to individual students and young engineers involved in circuits and systems.

To participate, each participant must have a registered CASS MiLe account. It is not necessary to be an IEEE member.
To register for the contest (Round 1), please sign up Registration Link
CASS MiLe Account Registration Link
Contest Rules
- The contest will take place on the CASS MiLe platform and only be open during the contest day.
- Participants will be given 10 questions to answer within a total time limit of 15 minutes.
- Participants will not be allowed to reattempt the contest after they have submitted their answers.
- The participant's score will be determined based on the number of correct answers they provide within the allotted time.
- Any cheating or misconduct will result in disqualification from the contest.
- The organizer reserves the right to investigate any suspicious activity and reject any participant failing to meet the rules above.
- The organizer’s decisions are final and no correspondence thereon will be entertained.
Important Dates:
17-21 April 2024 : Online Registration for CASS Blitz
22 April 2024 : CASS Blitz 2024 Contest Day
23 April 2024 : Announcement of Top Ranking Participants
Important Links for reference
Analog Circuits
CMOS Analog Integrated Circuit Design Fundamentals
Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits (Behzad Razavi)
General inquiries:
Technical inquiries: